
From Aerospace to Art, Appraisal Bureau’s new Chief Technology Officer

Connecting the dots [with data]: An interview withAppraisal Bureau’s Scott StrongChief Technology Officer at Appraisal Bureau, Scott Strong, speaks to art market journalist Riah Pryor, about strategic use of dataYou’ve worked across a broad range of companies and sectors, from personal finance [with Previsio] to cloud cost analysis [with CloudZero], and now with Appraisal Bureau, which specializes in the valuation […]

Interview: James Croome, Head of Fine Art & Specie, Arch Insurance Company

What are the actual risks considered for Digital Assets from an insurance perspective?The specific risk considerations will differ depending on the type of insurance a carrier is offering. A Tech E&O underwriter, for example, will have a different set of concerns and considerations to a D&O underwriter.That said, there are some common themes that carriers […]

Interview: Bobby Lee, Founder & CEO, Ballet Crypto

Bobby Lee is the Founder and CEO of Ballet Crypto, the cryptocurrency company behind the innovative REAL Series hardware wallet – the first and only with multi-currency support. Ballet celebrated a major milestone last month raising their $13m Series A round.Previously, Bobby was Co-Founder and CEO of BTCC (also known as BTCChina), the first bitcoin […]