The Block: A professional art appraiser explains why valuing an NFT is ‘totally different’ than judging a painting
The Block spoke with Caroline Taylor, one of a nascent crop of appraisers looking at the NFT space.Read the full article here.
The Block spoke with Caroline Taylor, one of a nascent crop of appraisers looking at the NFT space.Read the full article here.
Appraisal Bureau Founder, Caroline Taylor, spoke alongside Monica Heslington, Head of Family Office Art & Collectibles Advisory, Goldman Sachs, at the firm’s In the Lead conference in Palm Beach, FL, March 8, 2022.The panel Art (and Art NFTs) as an Investment: Separating the Hype from the Reality covered the differences of the traditional and digital art […]
IN FOCUS: COWEN RETAIL 101: NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS (NFTS) ROLE & POTENTIAL IN THE FUTURE OF RETAILCOWEN RETAIL 101: NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS (NFTS) ROLE & POTENTIAL IN THE FUTURE OF RETAILMONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022Hosted by: Oliver Chen, CFA – Consumer- Retail & Luxury Analyst, Cowen Jack Kernan, CFA – Retail and Consumer Brands Analyst, Cowen Kyrill Firshein […]
Crypto-currencies, Blockchain, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) accelerated their adoption during the CoVid-19 Pandemic. These technological developments are poised to play a larger role in the world and by extension the trust and estate planning space, over the next few years. Having a basic understanding of the technologies involved, management-related assets, and the overall implications for […]
The School for Curatorial Studies, Venice is an ambitious and challenging curatorial program committed to experimentation and interdisciplinary thinking. Appraisal Bureau Founder Caroline Taylor lectured on the NFTs as a utility, medium, and how their art historical roots throughout the last century of art history.
The Institute of Contemporary Art Miami was the first major museum to acquire an NFT. New York Magazine covered this novel acquisition and just what was required to make it happen, and how Appraisal Bureau was involved. Read the article here.