If you have already set up an account, whether it’s just you or multiple users, you have established an Organization. An Organization has both Admins and Members - Admins have full access and can change Organization settings, whereas Members cannot make changes to the Organization, remove members or delete the Organization. Only Admins have access to see appraised values.
Within an Organization are Workspaces. You must be given access to join individual Workspaces, even if you are already in the Organization. Go to the top left of the navigation bar to see the Workspaces within the Organization that you have access to. The three levels of permission within the Workspaces are Managers, Editors and Viewers.
In Workspace Settings you can add and remove users, and adjust permissions levels.
The total sum of artworks within a Workspace is the Portfolio. Artworks in the Portfolio are housed in the different Workspaces where you may create Collections. For example ‘Recent Acquisitions’ or ‘Figurative Paintings.’
If you’ve created an artwork owner Organization and populated your Portfolio, share access to your Service Providers such as insurers, tax advisors or wealth managers. Just search by their email on the individual artwork page, or as a bulk action on the Portfolio page. If you are a Service Provider, after you have set up your account your clients will simply search for your email address and give you access to their artwork(s).